Jasper (Brecciated) Leopard Fossil 8mm Bead Stretch Bracelet
Jasper (Brecciated) Leopard Fossil 8mm Bead Stretch Bracelet
Brecciated Jasper
Brecciated/Breccia refers to a rock or mineral that was broken up then naturally cemented back together over time by another mineral, binding the fragments together.
Best used for:
Maintaining health and wellness - detoxification
Willpower, insight, and mental clarity
Sends negative energy back to its source
- Excellent for maintaining health and increases the body’s healing energies
- Boosts stamina and strength, helps in detoxification
- Strengthens courage, determination, willpower, insight and mental clarity
- Promotes balanced, centered and grounded decisions, even in difficult situations
- Good for protection by sending negativity back to its source
- Helps one to achieve their goals
✰ This information serves as a quick guide of subjective metaphysical properties for crystals & gemstones formed through personal experience as well as research of historical and cultural customs & practices. Each person is unique and will experience crystals in their own way depending on their life’s experiences.
✰ Crystals and gemstones are tools used for living a more positive life and should be used to empower yourself to transform and grow. We possess within ourselves everything that we need to live life fully. Crystals and gemstones serve as a visual and energetic tool to help us on our path. We should not give our power away to them. They are not meant to be a substitute for medical attention.